
No New Posts » The Rule Book

This is your first step when you join us on Subterfuge. It's where all the laws are, our basic rules. Be sure to read through this. If you happen to break a rule, we're going to be questioning if you read them! But our number one rule will always be to have fun.

TRIGGER in 'Pack & Gang Descriptions ' May 22, 2013 5:00:12 GMT
(4 posts in 4 threads)
No New Posts » Suggestions & Complaints

Hey guys, we want to hear about everything and anything that could change her on Subterfuge. We want to know your complaints, your ideas. Please, share with us, we want this site to be mostly member ran and we will always consider everything and try to make it apart of our site.

(3 posts in 1 thread)
No New Posts » Notifications

This is where all updates, announcements will be made. Also you can make a request for mother nature to pop into one of your threads, and alert the staff that a fight has occurred and needs to be judged.

DARKMOON in 'Pack Audition' Jun 18, 2013 2:50:44 GMT
(6 posts in 6 threads)

The first steps

No New Posts » Character Creation

After you have read over the rules, and you're ready to get going this is your next place. You get to create your character, inside you will find a form, taken names list and a section for wip bio's if you want to keep working on them for a while. We get to all bio's as soon as we can and feel free to bother us if we're taking too long.

(61 posts in 32 threads)

Sub-boards: WIP , Accepted Characters, R.I.P

No New Posts » The Adoption Center

If you're looking for a character to adopt out for a plot, or maybe you're searching for one. Also this is where the stork comes to drop off babies, if you're going to be expecting be sure to post in the sub-board to get your stats on your puppies.

(12 posts in 3 threads)

Sub-board: Nursery

No New Posts » The Plots

Need to get something interesting for your character? Come here and set up a plot page, or check out other peoples. We allow the members to come up with their own ideas here on Subterfuge. So have fun, be free, let your imaginations run wild.

CARROT. in 'carrot's characters' Jul 2, 2013 0:28:29 GMT
(67 posts in 13 threads)

Sub-board: Logs

The Beach

No New Posts » Caro Beach

This is probably one of the most peaceful places you can go in the area. It's a rocky place, right next to the edge of the mountains. Many fallen trees line the shore, along with driftwood, and some trash from the humans. The edges of the shore are coated in thick rock formations, which have intricate patterns, carved into the sides of them. The beach is not far from the Town, but from town you can only hear the crashing of the waves, not see them due to the mountains acting like a barrier.

CARROT. in 'Best toy ever. (Zhubin)' Jul 1, 2013 22:28:07 GMT
(8 posts in 2 threads)
No New Posts » The Fishing Dock

Every now and then the dock will be filled with human life, but it's rare. Most people keep to the town and their cozy little lives. Rarely do they take the trip out to walk the beach. The dock goes far, stretching out over top of the ocean waves. It is made of wood and rather rickety and certainly not maintained like it should, it seems to be mainly for viewing purposes the beach is usually bare of any ships or boats. Some human trash and items can be found lingering around the dock from times they have ventured out to the shore. It is a great place to just enjoy the ocean.

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No New Posts » The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is another abandoned feature you'll find in this cozy little town. It hasn't been touched for years, it is rusted and the light only flickers on every now and then. Some say it's haunted, the inner staircase wraps around in a circle, leading you to the top. Where you can gaze out upon the ocean. It is a good place for watching your surroundings, perfect for a pack to be on the look out. No Ships come by anymore, the little place seemingly abandoned except for the little bit of population that does live here. They think it's home, and that is really all that matters.

Tagliagole in 'Quick! Shelter~! (Andro/open)' Jul 1, 2013 22:04:10 GMT
(3 posts in 2 threads)
No New Posts » Tidal Pool

Set off to the side of the main beach is an adventurers treat, it takes a bit of traveling over rough terrain to get to, but for those that enjoy a calm pool of water to sit in or for those wanting observe a bit of marine life that has found its way into the pool, here is where one would be. Few humans can be found here, but those that do wander to the pool are often absorbed in their own business and pay no attention to dogs.

Tegs in ' Mirrors don't lie // AW' Jul 27, 2013 18:17:36 GMT
(3 posts in 1 thread)

The Mountains

No New Posts » The Cave Entrance

Secluded and well hidden is the entrance to a cave system that burrows deep into the mountains and hills. With the entrance being surrounded by bushes and shrubs, it is often gone unnoticed in the forest; many just walk right by it without blinking an eye. Only the members of the Black Hand know of its location and any that happen to stumble upon it are rarely seen again.

Claimed by Black hand

NOTE: trespassing will result in immediate imprisonment, no exceptions.

Deleted in 'Joining' May 25, 2013 1:13:38 GMT
(8 posts in 4 threads)

Sub-board: caves

No New Posts » Yako Forest

These are the main woodlands that cover a vast majority of the area. Most of the plant life here are things that will stay green year round. The trees are evergreens for the most part, however you may find a few patches of orange in the autumn. The vegetation is plenty, and the wildlife flourishes in the forest. Due to the wildlife it can be a dangerous place for the dogs of the town. Especially the little house pets that decide to wander away from home. Tread carefully; the wild has no mercy on those that venture outside of their homes.

fizzeh in 'don't even know who your talking to [Klaus]' Jun 12, 2013 2:54:16 GMT
(7 posts in 2 threads)
No New Posts » Moshimo River

The Moshimo River runs through the mountains, most of its water comes from melting glacier water from the peak with temperatures are freezing, even if the sun is shinning. The current is deadly, and can easily sweep someone away at its strongest points. If you're going to enjoy an outing to the river, we suggest you stick to the calm sections or risk your life to Mother Nature’s hand.

CARROT. in 'skinny dipping [ klaus ]' Jun 20, 2013 2:56:51 GMT
(9 posts in 1 thread)

Sub-board: Lake

No New Posts » Foraker Peak

Foraker peak is basically snow covered all year long. Although most of it melts off in the summer time, it is always cold. The altitude of the peak is rather intense and it is rarely warm up here, game can be found here, if one knows where and how to look. There are a few dug out caves, and places to seek shelter, but not many. The trees and rock formations scatter the mountainside, making it a great place to explore, but also a hazardous place to go to. Avalanches can be common in the springtime- tread carefully.

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In Town

No New Posts » Town Square

Town square is the center of all the activity here, all the human activity anyway. Horse drawn carriages are often seen upon the streets as the humans bustle about and go to their everyday life. Many of the dogs in this little place are actually owned by the small population of humans that live here. Being as this is such a tight knit community it is rare that cars are found, most people walk, as everything they need is close by. But every now and then a car can pose a threat to the dogs of this little town.

CARROT. in 'Of Medals and Lo-Mein [Zhubin/Open]' Jul 1, 2013 23:18:52 GMT
(4 posts in 1 thread)

Sub-boards: China town, Abandoned school

No New Posts » The Pound

Uh-oh, did the dogcatcher find you or your buddy? Well they're likely to end up here if he got one of ya. The place is old, not very well put together and there are many chances for escape. Some of the dogs even use this place as sort of a prison for each other, to keep captives or slaves. The humans don't recognize the change in animals as it is changing so often.

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No New Posts » Fat Alleyway

The alley is in the back of the restaurants and often filled with food the humans have thrown out. Trash can litter the edges and graffiti laces the stone walls. It is a rather creepy place, dark and eerie. Stray cats and rats also call this place home. It is a dark part of the town, where little life lingers and only the tough survive. The alleyways wrap all through town and all are filled with new surprises.

CARROT. in 'Sweet Jesus hear my prayer. [Zhubin]' Jul 6, 2013 13:18:10 GMT
(20 posts in 4 threads)
No New Posts » The Junkyard

The Junkyard is filled with old, crushed cars, and tires; a chain fence surrounds the place. A lot of dangers pose a threat for pups as a lot of sharp edges and glass scatter the land. Old leather and tires are great if you need something to chew on. It is basically vacant, maybe a human will visit every now and then but it is highly unlikely. It is a good place to find some shelter within the old cars, and even something that is basically entirely dog ran.

nessyo in '»THE TIDES OF SIN ;; ||Open||' Jul 2, 2013 13:24:58 GMT
(4 posts in 2 threads)
No New Posts » 'Ole Farm

The little patch of farmland on the left side of the town used to be owned, however has been abandoned now. The horses that work in town live on the other side of town. This ranch had belonged to an old farmer and the town just doesn't feel it's right to give it to someone else. So it remains empty and vacant, free for the dogs to claim.

Akela in 'Let Sleeping Dogs Lie [open]' Jun 20, 2013 3:09:21 GMT
(3 posts in 2 threads)

Sub-board: Barn

Out Of Character

No New Posts » Member Lounge

This is where you'll find everything general, inside you can find games, introductions, a place to tell us if you're going to be gone and even more. It is where the members can share anything they need to, if you need to vent to us we're here to listen. This is all for you guys.

nessyo in 'poofing 'cuz yeah' Jul 7, 2013 22:11:37 GMT
(28 posts in 13 threads)

Sub-boards: Introductions, Market, Games, Graphics, Absence

No New Posts » Affiliates

Want to have your button displayed on our site? You've come to the right place, please be sure to follow our rules when applying. We're happy to affiliate with you.

STYX in 'Seven Lives-canine rp affiliate' Nov 5, 2013 16:22:35 GMT
(15 posts in 11 threads)

Sub-boards: Accepted, Denied

No New Posts » Advertisements

Want to share your site with us? Please post here, and be sure to post in the right section and follow our rules. Thank you!

sakuratree in 'The Wild Side, An Original Warrior Roleplay' Nov 10, 2017 22:51:37 GMT
(330 posts in 230 threads)

Sub-boards: First time, Link Back

No New Posts » Archives

We like to hold onto all of our old threads, both IC and OOC, just so we can keep our memories of Subterfuge alive. So if you're looking for anything to look back on or need something restored this is where it'll be placed.

TRIGGER in 'Valerie (WIP)' May 25, 2013 23:49:21 GMT
(1 post in 1 thread)

Sub-boards: OOC Archives, IC Archives

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